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Chemical Basis Of The Life

                                               I order to create the live body; el the cell, chemical compounds have been contributed. That particular chemical compounds are made out from connecting large number of deferent elements. In that cases you all are know in order to create the live body, elements is one of the crucial things that you ever seenements and compounds are being needed. We all are known any kind of live body is being created through cells. Cell is the thing which made out over collection of large parts of nucleus, cytoplasm and plasma membrane. In order to create out sub parts
of .
Weight of the all the row material which contributed to create the live body is equivalent to weight of that particular live body. Over that weight, majority of row materials are O , C, H and N . They are having big enough of that particular weight. Other than that above mentioned four row materials S, K, and P have been seen in the live body.
Likewise all the row materials which contributed to create the live body, contain in the live body as both contain of mix carbonic & in carbonic and ions. In that there you can be seen water is the major in carbonic mix is contained in the live body. In other way around carbohydrate is the major in carbonic mix in the live body.
In here we give big attention for the carbonic mix which needed to build live body and that can be categorized as four main parts.

                                   From here on words,come up with brief separate explanation on the area where in carbonic mix categorized earlier and expect to explain first carbonic mix called as carbohydrate next,through using some of the posts.

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